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  • WiFi4EU — The EU funds municipalities to bring the FREE WI-FI FOR EUROPEANS

WiFi4EU — The EU funds municipalities to bring the FREE WI-FI FOR EUROPEANS

Everyone benefiting from connectivity means that it should not matter where you live or how much you earn. So we propose today to equip every European village and every city with free wireless internet access around the main centres of public life by 2020.”
Jean-Claude Juncker – State of the Union speech, September 2016

EU is bringing wi-fi among its citizens, in parks, squares, libraries and public buildings, financing with € 120 million in the period 2017-2019 the creation of WiFi hotspots in public areas.

The fund will finance the cost of the equipment and its installation, leaving to the municipality the charges for 3 years for their management and maintenance and the interconnection.

Requests for financing (received by voucher) must be submitted online following a simple procedure and will be managed according to the order of arrival.

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